Kamis, 20 Januari 2011


Inspired by StG.44, Belgian arms factory, Fabrique Nationale (FN) develops a bullet similar to FAL StG.44. But when NATO issued a standard 7.62 mm bullet needs, FN remodel design and make guns that can be filled with many bullets and strong.
FN FAL weapons quickly became a classic during the cold war, used by 50 countries FAL difficult even fired when using full auto mode. This rifle gave good service in the Australian army in the Vietnam war, the Israeli army during the war and 6 days and used by Britain and Argentina in the Falklands war.

Type: Semi or Fully Automatic Rifle
Country of Origin: Belgium Caliber: 7.62 x 51 mm (.30 inch) Cartridge Capacity: 20 rounds
Muzzle Velocity: Approximately 2,700 feet per second
Rate of Fire: 650-700 rounds per minute
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weapon SS2 Of Indonesia

SS2, abbreviation of Assault Rifle 2, is the assault rifle made by PT Pindad which, is the second generation of Pindad assault rifle before, SS1. SS2 claimed to have a more ergonomic design, resistant to high humidity, have a lighter weight and better accuracy. It uses caliber rifle bullet 5:56 x 45 mm NATO standards and has an empty weight of 3.2 kg, as an early variant of SS1 record has an empty weight of 4.01 kg. In 2006, the army purchase 10,000 rifles SS2.
SS2 is used by the Indonesian military troops since 2005, and also has been exported. Initially available in three basic versions (standard rifle SS2-V1, V2 and Carbine SS2-the-sniper SS2-V4) is now also available in the subcompact version of SS2-V5, which was introduced in 2008.

About SS2:

Type Assault Rifle
Country of origin: Indonesia
History of use: Used 2006-present
Users: Indonesia
War: -
Production history: Year -
Manufacturer: PT Pindad

Weight: 3.2 kg (empty)
Length: 930 mm
Length of barrel: 460 mm

Bullets: 5:56 x 45 mm NATO, .223 Remington
Caliber: 5:56 x 45 mm
Mechanism: Piston gas, rotating bolt
Shot Speed: 700 grains / minute
Bullet speed: 710 m / s
Effective range: 450 m
Filling: 30-point box Magazen
Sights: Iron Shot
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Rabu, 19 Januari 2011

Mauser K98k CARBINE

Type: Bolt-Action Rifle
Country of Origin: Germany
Caliber: 7.92 x 57 mm (.30 inch)
Cartridge Capacity: 5 rounds
Muzzle Velocity: approximately 2,822 feet per second
Rate of Fire: 10-15 rounds per minute

Was first produced in the late 19th century, the Mauser 98 was the perfect combination of innovation rifle that took place in the late 19th century: smokeless gunpowder, could be filled with magazines, and especially, the "bolt action" which became the basis of today's hunting rifles.

The model originally used during World War 1 and produce great effect, but when Germany began re-arming in the 1930's, 98 guns got an upgrade that makes lenih lighter and more easily targeted. Although it is inevitable that this weapon was defeated by automatic rifle, a rifle is to survive as the best weapon of all time.
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Lee-Enfield SMLE

Type: Bolt-Action Rifle
Country of Origin: United Kingdom
Caliber: 7.7 x 56 mm (.30 inch)
Cartridge Capacity: 10 rounds
Muzzle Velocity: approximately 2,438 feet per second
Rate of Fire: 15-20 rounds per minute

Standard British infantry rifle of World War I to the Suez crisis, Lee-Enfield SMLE build a reputation of accuracy, reliability, and the number of shots per minute is phenomenal. Magasinnya carrying 10 bullets, the majority of any gun in 50 years of the early 20th century.

Bolt the action cocked when closing, and head to prevent dust and mud barrel into the gun. In the hands of well-trained army, Lee-Enfield could perform what is called a "mad minute" that is, 30 bullets to shoot a target at a distance of 200 meters in one minute. The number of shots that rival the modern semi-automatic rifle.
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Firearms Can Be Held In Indonesia

Other requirements for weapons possession, among others, concerning the type of weapon that can be owned by such individuals. For handguns, only caliber caliber 22 and 33 which may be issued license. As for shoulder weapon (barrel length) only with the caliber and 12 caliber GA 22. Type of weapon that is given is non-standard Armed Forces (TNI and National Police), with a maximum of two shoots per person. In addition there are also weapons fire rubber bullets or gas. (IKHSA). Types of firearms that include Revolver, 22/25/32 caliber, and 12mm caliber weapon Shortgun shoulder

For the purposes of this martial person may only have a handheld firearm with caliber revolver type 32/25/22, or shoulder type Shotgun firearms caliber 12 mm and for firearms classification (IKHSA) is a type of the Hunter Hunter 006 and 007. Semi-automatic handguns for Rp. 60-70 million have self-loading 9 mm caliber gas. According to police data, in 2001, the number IKSA given was 1.100 ie for the individual from the Army, Police and other government officials as many as seven hundred pieces from the private sector and four hundred pieces.

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Terms of Firearms Obtained In Indonesia

Firearm ownership permit applicant also must meet certain medical and psychological conditions. Medically, it must be of sound mind, not physical defects that can reduce the skills to carry and use firearms and sighted. Other Conditions may be determined by a general practitioner / specialist. Another requirement, must submit a certificate of good conduct (SKKB)

Meanwhile, for the psychological condition, the applicant should be someone who is not quick nervous and panicky, not emotional and not quick to anger. Of course, the applicant is not a psychopath. The fulfillment of this requirement must be proved by the results of psychological test conducted by a team appointed by the Psychology Department Police Headquarters.

The police will not be in a hurry or give consent arbitrarily. There are several factors into consideration which is seen first, feasibility, interest, and other security considerations, of prospective users of firearms. Do not let it result in a diversion or endanger the lives of others.

In addition to firearms that require special permission - known as the Special Permit Firearms (IKHSA) - people can also have a loaded handgun handguns rubber and gas. If the filing of a firearm must be approved by the Chief of Police directly, rubber bullets and handguns handguns enough gas berijinkan Intel Police directorate.
:sinchan:sinchan Read More..

Minggu, 16 Januari 2011


Type: Semi or Fully Automatic Bull-Pup Assault Rifle
Country of Origin: Austria
Caliber: 5.56 x 45 mm (.22 inch)
Cartridge Capacity: 30 and 42
rounds Muzzle Velocity: Approximately 3,084 feet per second
Rate of Fire: 650 rounds per minute

Looking more like weapons in science fiction movies, the most serious of the Steyr AUG is a form that could frighten potential buyers after the introduction in 1977. In the configuration â € € œBull-pupa of this radical, almost all of the system is behind the trigger, and the result is a compact and easy weapon to use.
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Type : Semi or Fully Automatic Assault Rifle
Country of Origin : Germany
Caliber : 7.92 x 33 mm Cartridge Capacity : 30 rounds Muzzle Velocity : Approximately 2,133 feet per second
Rate of Fire : 500 rounds per minute

Germany had long been at war with Russia when it became clear that German infantry armed with bolt action Mausers do not get good position in the battle against Russian automatic weapons. In response, the developers of the German guns come with a revolutionary new weapon, called â € œsenapan assault / assault rifle (a direct translation of the word Sturmgewehr). key to the success of this weapon lies in the 7.92 mm bullet which enables automatic gunfire and effective. The soldiers also can carry more ammunition. Although his presence was too late to turn things around Germany that have been lost, but this weapon is a new innovation in its time.
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Type :Â Semi or Fully Automatic Rifle
Caliber :Â 7.62 x 51 mm (.30 inch)
Muzzle Velocity :Â Approximately 2,799 feet per second
Rate of Fire :Â 700-750 rounds per minute

At the end of World War II, with American infantry platoon carrying four different weapons, and also 4 different types of ammunition, the U.S. armed .Angkatan decided to develop a weapon that can perform many tasks. The result is the M14. First used in 1957, these new weapons have accurate good stopping power with NATO standard 7.62mm bullets. Used on a large scale in Vietnam, the soldiers liked the power and accuracy but the problem with heavy weapons and ammunition. Shortly, this weapon is replaced by the lighter M16. But some still wear the front lines, especially for the sniper rifle.

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Type: Semi or Fully Automatic Assault Rifle
Country of Origin: United States
Caliber: 5.56 x 45 mm (.223 inch)
Cartridge Capacity: 20-30 rounds
Muzzle Velocity: Approximately 3,281 feet per second
Rate of Fire: 700-950 rounds per minute

Walaupun butuh waktu mengatasi masalah kemacetan senapan sewaktu latihan bertempur di awal 1960, M16 membuktikan kehandalannya lewat akurasi, penanganan, masa digunakan, serta keefektifan dalam perang. Senapan M16 memuaskan petinggi militer AS untuk mengembangkan senapan serbu yang ringan untuk menggantikan M1 dan M14. Fitur inovatifnya meliputi bahan campuran plastik dan logam ringan, sistem reload (mengisi ulang peluru) yang mudah dan penggunaan peluru kaliber 5.56mm.
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Type: Semi or Fully Automatic Assault Rifle
Country of Origin: Soviet Union
Caliber: 7.62 x 39 mm (.30 inch) Cartridge Capacity: 30 rounds Muzzle Velocity: 2,329 feet per second
Rate of Fire:600 rounds per minute

Dengan produksi lebih dari 75 juta di seluruh dunia, AK-47 adalah senjata api legendaris yang mungkin memberi kerusakan paling mematikan daripada seluruh senjata api apapun. Dibuat dengan desain yang sama dengan StG.44, AK-47 diisi dengan peluru 7.62 mm dan dibuat dari bagian yang dirakit. AK-47 tidak hanya mudah diproduksi dan murah, tetapi juga mudah dirawat dan “kebal” terhadap kondisi yang bisa merusak senjata lainnya. Akurasinya tidak terlalu bagus, tapi AK-47 menggantinya dengan kemampuannya melepaskan serangan mematikan.

AK-47 (singkatan dari Avtomat Kalashnikova 1947, Rusia: Автомат Калашникова образца 1947 года) adalah senapan serbu yang dirancang oleh Mikhail Kalashnikov, diproduksi oleh pembuat senjata Rusia IZhMASh, dan digunakan oleh banyak negara Blok Timur semasa Perang Dingin. Senapan ini diadopsi dan dijadikan senapan standar Uni Soviet pada tahun 1947. Jika dibandingkan dengan senapan yang digunakan semasa Perang Dunia II, AK-47 mempunyai ukuran lebih kecil, dengan jangkauan yang lebih pendek, memakai peluru dengan kaliber 7,62 x 39 mm yang lebih kecil, dan memiliki pilihan tembakan (selective-fire). AK-47 termasuk salah satu senapan serbu pertama dan hingga kini merupakan senapan serbu yang paling banyak diproduksi.
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PISTOL Heckler & Koch USP

Type : Semi-automatic pistol
Place of origin :Germany

Production history
Designer : Helmut Weldle
Designed : 1989–1992
Manufacturer : Heckler & Koch
Produced : 1993–present
Variants See : Variants:
* USP Compact
* USP Compact Tactical
* USP Tactical
* USP Expert
* USP Match
* USP Elite
* USP Combat Competition
* P8 Pistol

Weight Without magazine:
* 748 g (1.65 lb) (USP 9 mm/.40)
* 789 g (1.74 lb) (USP .45)
* 667 g (1.47 lb) (Compact 9 mm)
* 694 g (1.53 lb) (Compact .40)
* 726 g (1.60 lb) (Compact .45)
* 771 g (1.70 lb) (Tactical 9 mm)
* 861 g (1.90 lb) (Tactical .40/.45)
* 875 g (1.93 lb) (Expert .40)
* 848 g (1.87 lb) (Expert .45)

* 194 mm (7.64 in) (USP 9 mm/.40)
* 200 mm (7.87 in) (USP .45)
* 173 mm (6.81 in) (Compact 9 mm/.40)
* 219 mm (8.64 in) (Tactical .40/.45)
* 224 mm (8.81 in) (Expert .40)
* 240 mm (9.45 in) (Match)

Barrel length

* 108 mm (4.25 in) (USP 9 mm/.40)
* 112 mm (4.41 in) (USP .45)
* 91 mm (3.58 in) (Compact 9 mm/.40)
* 97 mm (3.80 in) (Compact .45)
* 121 mm (4.78 in) (Tactical 9 mm/.40)
* 132 mm (5.19 in) (Expert .40/.45)
* 153 mm (6.02 in) (Match)


* 9x19mm Parabellum
* .357 SIG (Compact only)
* .40 S&W
* .45 ACP

Action Short recoil, DA/SA, DA/DAO
Rate of fire Semi-automatic
Effective range 50 m (9x19mm Parabellum), 30 m (.45 ACP)
Feed system Detachable box magazine; capacities:

* 15 rounds (9 mm Para)
* 13 rounds (.40 S&W)
* 12 rounds (.45 ACP)

Match, Expert

* 18 rounds (9 mm Para)
* 16 rounds (.40 S&W)
* 12 rounds (.45 ACP)


* 13 rounds (9 mm Para)
* 12 rounds (.357, .40 S&W)
* 8 rounds (.45 ACP)


* Patridge, "3-dot" type; adjustable rear on Tactical, Match and Expert

Design work on a new family of pistols commenced in September 1989 focused primarily on the U.S. commercial and law enforcement markets. In 1991, USP prototypes participated in rigorous testing alongside H&K's entry in the OHWS (Offensive Handgun Weapon System) program requested by the U.S. Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) and which would later result in the Mk 23 Mod 0. The USP prototypes were then refined in 1992, based on input from the OHWS trials and the design was finalized in December of the same year. The USP was formally introduced in January 1993 with the USP40 model (the base version) chambered for the increasingly popular .40 S&W cartridge, followed soon by the USP9 (using the 9x19mm Parabellum cartridge), and in May 1995—the USP45 (caliber .45 ACP).

The USP marked the first time H&K chose to incorporate many traditional handgun design elements, such as those of John Browning's M1911, in one pistol. Two principles guided its development—the first being the use of a molded polymer frame, and the second being the creation of a "pistol paradigm". Heckler & Koch observed the strong points of its previous successful pistols for insight in developing the USP. Previous H&K pistol innovations include the unique squeeze-cocking mechanism of the P7, the precise roller-delayed blowback operation of the P9S, and the plastic frame and double action only trigger system used in the VP70Z. In contrast to these ambitious designs, the USP uses a Browning-style cam-locked action, similar to that developed by John Browning for use in the Hi-Power and M1911 pistols.
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Type : Semi-automatic pistolPlace of origin : Austria

Service history
In service : 1982–present
Used by : See Users

Production history
Designer : Gaston Glock
Designed : 1979-1982
Manufacturer : Glock Ges.m.b.H.
Produced : 1982–present
Number built : 2,500,000[1]
Variants : See Variants

* 9x19mm Parabellum (Glock 17, 18, 19, 26, 34)
* 10mm Auto (Glock 20, 29)
* .45 ACP (Glock 21, 30, 36)
* .40 S&W (Glock 22, 23, 24, 27, 35)
* .380 ACP (Glock 25, 28)
* .357 SIG (Glock 31, 32, 33)
* .45 GAP (Glock 37, 38, 39)

The Glock adalah serangkaian pistol semi-otomatis yang dirancang dan diproduksi oleh Glock Ges.mbH, berlokasi di Deutsch-Wagram, Austria. Pendiri perusahaan, insinyur Gaston Glock, tidak punya pengalaman dengan desain atau pembuatan senjata api pada saat pistol pertama mereka yaitu Glock 17. Meskipun mulanya pasar sulit untuk menerima pistol plasik ini karena daya tahan dan krhandalannya, tetapi ternyata Pistol Glock telah menjadi produk yang paling menguntungkan untuk perusahannya karena 65% produk ini di gunakan oleh badan-badan hukum dan keamanan yang ada diseluruh dunia.
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Cartridge : 7.65 x 17 mm; .32 ACP
Panjang laras : 102 mm
panjang keseluruhan : 177 mm
Pistol (double action)
Pistol double action buatan Pindad dirancang dengan bentuk yang ergonomic, menggunakan intercept notch dan hammer block yang memungkinkan akurasi tinggi dalam menembak. Menggunakan bahan-bahan berkualitas tinggi untuk menjamin ketepatan dan akurasi, kedua pistol tersebut dapat digunakan baik untuk single maupun double action. Dilengkapi asesoris alat bidik, red dot, laser sight dan tactical light. Tersedia 2 tipe yaitu tipe P2 dengan caliber 9 x 19 mm untuk militer dan tipe P3 dengan caliber 7,65 x 17 mm untuk penegak hukum dan perlindungan pribadi.

Bangga dengan produk dalam negeri. Sudah Seharusnya kita anak bangsa harus bangga.. Siapa yang menduga ternyata pistol buatan dalam negeri atas hasil jerih payah anak bangsa Indonesia menjadi pistol terbaik no 2 didunia. Penilaian berdasarkan akurasi, daya tembakan, kapasitas keampuan dari setiap senjata.

Sumber by www.pindad.com
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